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Confidence and Inner Critic

confidence inner critic Dec 01, 2020

I don’t know about you but there’s something about the changing weather that gives me a rush of energy and creative ideas, and the timing couldn’t be better!

It just so happens that this surge of motivation and creativity has coincided with some amazing new projects and great opportunities to do a few things that have definitely been out of my comfort zone.


For starters, I was asked to speak at an event for International Women’s Day back in March. I got to share the stage with some pretty courageous women who are doing some amazing things in the world.


I’ve also been working on the content for my upcoming book and digital course, both of which focus on giving women the tools and the confidence to share their brilliance with the world.


I love the work I’m doing – I’m very passionate about empowering women to shine! But when you try new things, the old inner critic you thought was on a permanent hiatus tends to show up at your doorstep unannounced.


Mine sure did and she had me questioning just about everything I was doing.


Here’s the bad news: We ALL have an inner critic. For most of us, that voice in our heads has been talking our ears off for so long we just assume it’s telling the truth.


Here’s the good news: YOU get to decide what you believe. Once you recognise that what you’re dealing with is simply a compilation of thoughts that aren’t serving you, you can begin to do the work of changing them. And you change them by replacing them with positive ones...little by little; day by day.


This takes practice for sure but replacing words that bring you down with words that lift you up is one of the best ways to build confidence. The more confident you become, the less likely you are to let bad days get the better of you because you’ll always know you have your own back.


You may find that you have to relearn this over and over again. Negative self-talk can become our default--especially when we’re trying new things. It’s uncomfortable… I know it was for me.


But I was able to remind myself that the other side of discomfort is where the magic happens. And who couldn’t use a little magic, right?


My Best, 

Agata Galuszka
Founder of Confidence & Financial Independence Academy - The online school for women


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